Source code for pogona.vector_field_parser

# Pogona
# Copyright (C) 2020 Data Communications and Networking (TKN), TU Berlin
# This file is part of Pogona.
# Pogona is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Pogona is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Pogona.  If not, see <>.

from typing import Set, cast
import os
import enum
import openfoamparser
import numpy as np
import logging

import pogona as pg

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class DummyBoundaryPointsVariant(enum.Enum):
    NONE = 1

[docs]class VectorFieldParser:
[docs] def __init__(self): pass
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_folder( folder: str, walls_patch_names: Set[str], dummy_boundary_points: DummyBoundaryPointsVariant = ( DummyBoundaryPointsVariant.NONE), ) -> 'pg.VectorField': """ :param folder: :param walls_patch_names: Which patches to consider as boundaries (typically does not include inlets and outlets). :param dummy_boundary_points: 'face-centers', 'face-points', or 'none'/None (default). """ if walls_patch_names is None: LOG.warning("Using default wall patch names.") walls_patch_names = ('walls', 'yConnectorPatch', 'tubePatch')"Starting import of " + os.path.realpath(folder)) # Check if folder exists if not os.path.isdir(folder): raise NotADirectoryError( "The OpenFOAM simulation result folder " f"\"{folder}\" does not exist. " "Are you sure your path configuration is correct?" ) # Check if cell center file exists if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(folder, 'C')): raise FileNotFoundError( "The openfoam simulation result folder " f"{os.path.realpath(folder)} does not contain cell centres. " "Run 'postProcess -func writeCellCentres' to generate them." ) LOG.debug("Importing flow...") flow = openfoamparser.parse_internal_field( os.path.join(folder, 'U') ) LOG.debug("Imported flow. Size: " + str(len(flow))) LOG.debug("Importing mesh...") mesh = openfoamparser.FoamMesh(os.path.join(folder, '..')) LOG.debug("Imported mesh. Size: " + str(mesh.num_cell + 1)) LOG.debug("Importing cell centres...") mesh.read_cell_centres(os.path.join(folder, 'C')) centres = mesh.cell_centres LOG.debug("Imported cell centres. Size: " + str(len(centres))) LOG.debug("Importing boundaries...") is_boundary = np.full((len(centres), 1), False) LOG.debug("Available boundaries: " + str(mesh.boundary)) boundary_cells = np.concatenate([ np.fromiter(mesh.boundary_cells(patch_name.encode()), int) for patch_name in walls_patch_names ]) if len(boundary_cells) > 0: for centre_id in np.nditer(boundary_cells): is_boundary[centre_id] = True else: LOG.warning( "Are you sure this mesh has no boundary cells? " f"(Folder \"{folder}\")" ) # Get all faces for the boundary boundary_faces = dict() centres_to_add = [] # for dummy boundary points boundary_faces_to_add = [] # for dummy boundary points for face, face_id in zip(mesh.faces, range(0, len(mesh.faces))): if True in ( mesh.is_face_on_boundary(face_id, patch_name.encode()) for patch_name in walls_patch_names ): cell_id = mesh.owner[face_id] # Retrieve the associated point vectors face_points = [] for point_id in face: face_points.append(mesh.points[point_id]) # Calculate the normal position = face_points[0] plane_vector_1 = face_points[1] - position plane_vector_2 = face_points[2] - position normal = np.cross(plane_vector_2, plane_vector_1, axis=0) normal = normal / np.linalg.norm(normal) # Write temporary face temporary_face = pg.Face(face_id, position, normal, 0.0) # Calculate distance from cell centre to face distance_to_centre = VectorFieldParser.point_distance_to_plane( centres[cell_id], temporary_face ) face_with_distance = pg.Face( face_id, position, normal, distance_to_centre ) # Save into dictionary try: boundary_faces[cell_id].append(face_with_distance) except KeyError: # This is the first face in this cell, # create a new array for it boundary_faces[cell_id] = [face_with_distance] if ( dummy_boundary_points == pg.DummyBoundaryPointsVariant.FACE_POINTS ): centres_to_add.extend(face_points) # Adding only one boundary face per dummy cell. # TODO: ok? boundary_faces_to_add.extend( [face_with_distance] * len(face_points)) elif ( dummy_boundary_points == pg.DummyBoundaryPointsVariant.FACE_CENTERS ): # Define the face center as the point with mean # x, y, and z coordinate of all face points: centres_to_add.append(np.mean(face_points, axis=0)) # TODO: see above boundary_faces_to_add.append(face_with_distance) LOG.debug( "Imported boundaries. Size: " + str(len(boundary_faces.items())) ) # For dummy boundary points: if len(centres_to_add) > 0: centres_to_add = np.array(centres_to_add) print( f"centres_to_add: {centres_to_add.shape}, " f"centres: {centres.shape}, " f"flow: {flow.shape}, " f"is_boundary: {is_boundary.shape}, " f"adding {len(boundary_faces_to_add)} boundary faces" ) for i, boundary_faces_for_this in enumerate(boundary_faces_to_add): boundary_faces[i + len(centres)] = [boundary_faces_for_this] centres = np.concatenate((centres, centres_to_add)) # Boundary points to add have a flow of 0: flow = np.concatenate((flow, np.zeros((len(centres_to_add), 3)))) is_boundary = np.concatenate(( is_boundary, np.full((len(centres_to_add), 1), True) )) vector_field = pg.VectorField( cell_centres=centres, flow=flow, at_boundary=is_boundary, boundary_faces=boundary_faces )"Finished Import of " + os.path.realpath(folder)) return vector_field
[docs] @staticmethod def point_distance_to_plane( position: np.ndarray, face: 'pg.Face' ) -> float: # # Since position and face.normalized_normale can be assumed to be # 1D vectors (of length 3), we can assume the result of to be # a floating point value: return cast( float,, position - face.position) )