Source code for pogona.spray_nozzle

# Pogona
# Copyright (C) 2020 Data Communications and Networking (TKN), TU Berlin
# This file is part of Pogona.
# Pogona is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Pogona is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Pogona.  If not, see <>.

import logging
import numpy as np

import pogona as pg
import as prop

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class SprayNozzle(pg.Component): translation = prop.VectorProperty([0, 0, 0], required=True) rotation = prop.VectorProperty([0, 0, 0], required=True) injection_amount = prop.IntProperty(100, required=True) velocity = prop.FloatProperty(1000, required=True) velocity_sigma = prop.FloatProperty(100, required=True) distribution_sigma = prop.FloatProperty(2.5, required=True) seed = prop.StrProperty('', required=False) """ Seed for the pseudo-random number generator. If empty, the random number generator of the simulation kernel will be used. If 'random', a random seed will be used for initialization. Will be converted to int otherwise. """ """ A spray nozzle is an injector that "sprays" particles at a given position into a given direction. Usually an injector is controlled by an instance of ModulationOOK or a similar component, which determines when to switch the injector on or off and which also controls the flow speed in connected objects. """
[docs] def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._turned_on = False self._burst_on = False self._rng = np.random.RandomState(seed=None) self._transformation = pg.Transformation() """Transformation of this sensor in the scene."""
[docs] def initialize( self, simulation_kernel: 'pg.SimulationKernel', init_stage: 'pg.InitStages' ): super().initialize(simulation_kernel, init_stage) if init_stage == pg.InitStages.CHECK_ARGUMENTS: if self.seed == 'random': self._rng = np.random.RandomState(seed=None) elif self.seed != '': self._rng = np.random.RandomState(seed=int(self.seed)) else: self._rng = simulation_kernel.get_random_number_generator() self._transformation = pg.Transformation( translation=np.array(self.translation), rotation=np.array(self.rotation), scaling=np.array([1, 1, 1]) ) elif init_stage == pg.InitStages.BUILD_SCENE: pass
[docs] def turn_on(self): """ Turn on the injector and start spawning particles. Usually called in the NotificationStages.MODULATION stage, so before SPAWNING in the current time step. :return: """ # Start injecting molecules every time step LOG.debug("Injector turned on") self._turned_on = True
[docs] def turn_off(self): """Stop injecting molecules""" LOG.debug("Injector turned off") self._turned_on = False
[docs] def inject_burst(self): """Inject molecules in the next time step only""" LOG.debug("Injector bursts") self._burst_on = True
[docs] def set_transformation(self, transformation: pg.Transformation): self._transformation = transformation
[docs] def process_new_time_step( self, simulation_kernel: 'pg.SimulationKernel', notification_stage: 'pg.NotificationStages', ): if notification_stage != pg.NotificationStages.SPAWNING: return if self._turned_on or self._burst_on: # Only inject bursts once self._burst_on = False LOG.debug(f"Injecting {self.injection_amount} new molecules") base_delta_time = simulation_kernel.base_delta_time step_delta_time = base_delta_time / self.injection_amount delta_time = 0 while delta_time < base_delta_time: # Spray one particle in positive y direction # with some randomness. used_velocity = ( self.velocity_sigma * self._rng.randn() + self.velocity ) # Uniformly distributed angle between 0 and 2*pi by which # the new velocity vector will be roated around the y-axis: used_3d_angle = self._rng.random() * 2 * np.pi # Normally distributed angle by which the new velocity # vector will be rotated around the x- and z-axis: used_distribution = ( self.distribution_sigma * self._rng.randn() * (np.pi/180) ) velocity_x = ( used_velocity * np.sin(used_distribution) * np.sin(used_3d_angle) ) velocity_y = used_velocity * np.cos(used_distribution) velocity_z = ( used_velocity * np.sin(used_distribution) * np.cos(used_3d_angle) ) velocity = self._transformation.apply_to_direction( np.array((velocity_x, velocity_y, velocity_z)) ) position = self._transformation.apply_to_point( np.array((0, 0, 0)) ) injected_molecule = pg.Molecule( position + (velocity * delta_time), velocity, None, ) simulation_kernel.get_molecule_manager().add_molecule( injected_molecule ) delta_time += step_delta_time