Source code for pogona.simulation_kernel

# Pogona
# Copyright (C) 2020 Data Communications and Networking (TKN), TU Berlin
# This file is part of Pogona.
# Pogona is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Pogona is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Pogona.  If not, see <>.

import numpy as np
from typing import Optional, Dict, Tuple
import logging
import itertools

import pogona as pg
import as prop

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class SimulationKernel(pg.Component): """ The simulation kernel that is responsible for starting and coordinating how a simulation is run. For configuration, kernel parameters are configured on the root level, along with the following 'kernel components': :molecule_manager: Configuration of the :class:`~pogona.MoleculeManager` :movement_predictor: Configuration of the :class:`~pogona.MovementPredictor` :scene_manager: Configuration of the :class:`~pogona.SceneManager` :sensor_manager: Configuration of the :class:`~pogona.SensorManager` :mesh_manager: Configuration of the :class:`~pogona.MeshManager` All other :class:`~pogona.Component` instances must be configured under the YAML key ``components``. """ sim_time = prop.FloatProperty(0.0, required=False) sim_time_limit = prop.FloatProperty(0.0, required=True) seed = prop.IntProperty(1, required=True) results_dir = prop.StrProperty('', required=False) """Base directory for any result files (e.g., sensor logs).""" # Time step and step size control parameters # Fig. A.1 is a helpful flow chart: # base_delta_time = prop.FloatProperty(1.0, required=True) """ Base time step for adaptive time stepping. Delta times will never be larger than this value. All logging and sensor evaluations happen at this interval. """ adaptive_time_max_error_threshold = prop.FloatProperty( np.inf, required=False, ) """ If, when using adaptive time stepping, the error exceeds this threshold, the time step will be multiplied with time_step_reduction_factor and the molecule positions will be recalculated for the current step. """ adaptive_time_safety_factor = prop.FloatProperty(0.85, required=False) """ Safety factor for estimating the optimal next step size to keep the error below `adaptive_time_max_error_threshold`. We want to avoid picking a next step size that would cause us to just barely overshoot the error threshold in the next (sub-)step. """ use_adaptive_time_stepping = prop.BoolProperty(False, required=False) """ If True, use adaptive time stepping. Requires an appropriate integration method in the MovementPredictor. """ adaptive_time_corrections_limit = prop.IntProperty(100, required=False) """ Maximum number of corrections within one sub time step. Since we estimate the optimal sub step size, the number of corrections should usually be very low (< 10?). """ interpolation_method = prop.EnumProperty( str(, name='interpolation_method', required=False, enum_class=pg.Interpolation, )
[docs] def __init__(self): """ """ super().__init__() self._molecule_manager = pg.MoleculeManager() self._movement_predictor = pg.MovementPredictor() self._scene_manager = pg.SceneManager() self._sensor_manager = pg.SensorManager() self._mesh_manager = pg.MeshManager() self._kernel_components = dict( molecule_manager=self._molecule_manager, movement_predictor=self._movement_predictor, scene_manager=self._scene_manager, sensor_manager=self._sensor_manager, mesh_manager=self._mesh_manager, ) for i, kernel_component in enumerate(self._kernel_components.values()): = i # Ordinary components' IDs will be offset by the length # of the list of kernel components; see attach_component. self._components: Dict[str, 'pg.Component'] = dict() """ A dictionary of all attached components by their respective component name. Being able to find components by a unique name is useful for components like the ModulationOOK, which has to find other components that are attached to it. """ self._elapsed_base_time_steps = 0 """Number of elapsed time steps (at *base_delta_time*!)""" self._elapsed_sub_time_steps = 0 """Number of elapsed time steps, including all sub steps.""" self._interpolation_method = pg.Interpolation.NEAREST_NEIGHBOR self._rng = np.random.RandomState(self.seed)
[docs] def set_arguments(self, **kwargs): for kernel_component_name, kernel_component \ in self._kernel_components.items(): # (Pop kernel component sub-dictionaries from kwargs # such that the parent class method won't complain about # unrecognized arguments.) kernel_component.set_arguments(**kwargs.pop( kernel_component_name, dict() )) super().set_arguments(**kwargs)
[docs] def initialize( self, simulation_kernel: 'pg.SimulationKernel', init_stage: 'pg.InitStages' ): super().initialize(simulation_kernel=self, init_stage=init_stage) if init_stage == pg.InitStages.CHECK_ARGUMENTS: self._rng = np.random.RandomState(self.seed) self._interpolation_method = pg.Interpolation[ self.interpolation_method] if ( self.use_adaptive_time_stepping and self.adaptive_time_max_error_threshold == np.inf ): LOG.warning( "`use_adaptive_time_stepping` is `True`, but " "`adaptive_time_max_error_threshold` is not set." )
[docs] def attach_component(self, component: 'pg.Component'): if component.component_name in self._components: raise ValueError( f"A component named {component.component_name} has already " f"been attached to the simulation kernel!" ) if component.component_name in self._kernel_components: raise ValueError( f"\"{component.component_name}\" of the class " f"{component.__class__} is a kernel component and should " "not be added to the list of ordinary components." ) = len(self._components) + len(self._kernel_components) self._components[component.component_name] = component
[docs] def notify_components_new_time_step(self): """ Allow sensors and other components to process the new positions of molecules. If using adaptive time stepping, this is only called in base time steps! """ for notification_stage in pg.NotificationStages: for component in self._components.values(): component.process_new_time_step( simulation_kernel=self, notification_stage=notification_stage, )
[docs] def initialize_components(self): """ Run through all initialization stages for all attached components, starting with this simulation kernel itself, then the kernel components, and then the remaining components. Will be called automatically by the `start()` method. """ for init_stage in pg.InitStages:"running initialization stage {init_stage}") components = itertools.chain( [self], self._kernel_components.values(), self._components.values() ) for component in components: component.initialize(self, init_stage)
[docs] def start(self, skip_initialization=False): """ Start the simulation. :param skip_initialization: Should only ever be True if you previously called initialize_components() yourself. """ if not skip_initialization:"Initializing components...") self.initialize_components()"Starting simulation loop...") if not self.use_adaptive_time_stepping: self.simulation_loop_legacy() else: self.simulation_loop_adaptive_rkf()"Finalizing...") for component in self._components.values(): component.finalize(self) self.finalize(self)
[docs] def simulation_loop_legacy(self): if self._molecule_manager.update_molecule_collection_immediately: raise ValueError( "`update_molecule_collection_immediately` should be set to " "False if using the default simulation loop (i.e., no " "adaptive time stepping)." ) # Give all observers the chance to see the initial system at t=0 LOG.debug("Initial simulation time " + str(self.sim_time)) self.notify_components_new_time_step() while self.sim_time < self.sim_time_limit: # Use list() to copy the molecule dict keys because # _sensor_manager.process_molecule_moving may cause # molecules to be inserted/deleted. molecules = self._molecule_manager.get_all_molecules() for mid in self._molecule_manager.get_all_molecules().keys(): molecule = molecules[mid] self._sensor_manager.process_molecule_moving_before( self, molecule) updated_molecule, _, _ = self._movement_predictor.predict( self, molecule, self.sim_time, self.base_delta_time, ) self._molecule_manager.update_molecule(updated_molecule) self._sensor_manager.process_molecule_moving_after( self, updated_molecule) self._molecule_manager.apply_changes() self._elapsed_base_time_steps += 1 self.sim_time = ( self._elapsed_base_time_steps * self.base_delta_time ) # self.sim_time = self.sim_time + self.sim_time_step_duration f"New simulation time {round(self.sim_time, 10)}" ) self.notify_components_new_time_step()
[docs] def simulation_loop_adaptive_rkf(self): """ Simulation loop with adaptive time stepping. Uses a constant base time step `base_delta_time`. Within each base time step, sub-step sizes are chosen on a per-particle basis to ensure that the error of the selected Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg method (RKF) will stay below the threshold `adaptive_time_max_error_threshold`. Sensors are only notified in base time steps, for now. """ if self._molecule_manager.update_molecule_collection_immediately: raise ValueError( "`update_molecule_collection_immediately` should be set to " "False in the MoleculeManager if using this variant of " "adaptive time stepping." ) # TODO: double check; also: don't make users have to config this rkf_order = self._movement_predictor.embedded_integrator.order def _update_molecule( _molecule: 'pg.Molecule', _sub_sim_time: float, ) -> Tuple['pg.Molecule', float, int]: """ Update a single molecule. First try with the latest recorded optimal time step. If the error threshold is exceeded, repeat with a smaller step size. :returns: The updated molecule, the most recently used step size, and the number of corrections. """ _error = np.inf _dbg_errors = [] _new_pos_global = _molecule.position # will be overridden _delta_time = np.inf # will be overridden _num_corrections = -1 while (_error > self.adaptive_time_max_error_threshold and _num_corrections <= self.adaptive_time_corrections_limit): _num_corrections += 1 _delta_time = min( # Take estimated optimal step size from prev. (sub-)step: _molecule.delta_time_opt, # may be np.inf self.base_delta_time, # Don't overshoot the base time step: abs(self.base_delta_time - (_sub_sim_time - self.sim_time)) ) _, _new_pos_global, _error = self._movement_predictor.predict( self, _molecule, _sub_sim_time, delta_time=_delta_time, update_molecule=False, # we'll call update() manually ) _dbg_errors.append(_error) # Determine an 'optimal' step size for the given threshold: if _error >= self.adaptive_time_max_error_threshold: _exponent = 1 / (rkf_order + 1) else: _exponent = 1 / rkf_order if _error == 0: _molecule.delta_time_opt = np.inf else: _molecule.delta_time_opt = ( self.adaptive_time_safety_factor * _delta_time * (self.adaptive_time_max_error_threshold / _error) ** _exponent ) if _num_corrections > self.adaptive_time_corrections_limit: LOG.warning( f"Maximum number of corrections limit exceeded for " f"molecule {} at sub step time " f"{_sub_sim_time} s, dt={_delta_time} s, {_dbg_errors=}" ) _molecule.update( new_pos_global=_new_pos_global, scene_manager=self._scene_manager, ) return molecule, _delta_time, _num_corrections def _advance_molecule_to_next_base_step( _molecule: 'pg.Molecule', ): _sim_time_next = self.sim_time + self.base_delta_time _sub_sim_time = self.sim_time _num_steps = 0 _num_corrections_m_total = 0 while ( _sub_sim_time < _sim_time_next and not np.isclose( # ensure 'strictly less than' _sub_sim_time, _sim_time_next, rtol=1e-10, atol=1e-15, ) ): _num_steps += 1 _, _delta_time, _num_corrections_u = _update_molecule( _molecule=_molecule, # will be updated in-place _sub_sim_time=_sub_sim_time, ) # ^ Takes care to not overshoot base steps; # _delta_time will be made just small enough. _num_corrections_m_total += _num_corrections_u _sub_sim_time += _delta_time return _molecule, _num_steps, _num_corrections_m_total # Give all observers the chance to see the initial system at t=0 LOG.debug("Initial simulation time " + str(self.sim_time)) self.notify_components_new_time_step() while self.sim_time < self.sim_time_limit: molecules = self._molecule_manager.get_all_molecules() num_steps = [] num_corrections = [] for molecule in molecules.values(): self._sensor_manager.process_molecule_moving_before( simulation_kernel=self, molecule=molecule, ) # mainly for updating SensorTeleporting _, num_steps_m, num_corrections_m = ( _advance_molecule_to_next_base_step( _molecule=molecule, ) ) num_steps.append(num_steps_m) num_corrections.append(num_corrections_m) self._sensor_manager.process_molecule_moving_after( simulation_kernel=self, molecule=molecule ) # update all remaining sensors self._molecule_manager.apply_changes() # LOG.debug( # f"t={self.sim_time}: " # f"{len(molecules)} molecules, " # f"mean_max_error={np.mean(errors)}, " # f"min_max_error={np.min(errors)}, " # f"max_max_error={np.max(errors)}, " # f"mean_steps={np.mean(num_steps)}, " # f"min_steps={np.min(num_steps)}, " # f"max_steps={np.max(num_steps)}" # ) self._elapsed_base_time_steps += 1 self.sim_time = ( self._elapsed_base_time_steps * self.base_delta_time ) f"New (base-step) simulation time {round(self.sim_time, 10)}" ) self.notify_components_new_time_step()
[docs] def destroy_molecule(self, molecule): self._molecule_manager.destroy_molecule(molecule)
[docs] def get_components(self) -> Dict[str, 'pg.Component']: return self._components
[docs] def get_molecule_manager(self) -> 'pg.MoleculeManager': return self._molecule_manager
[docs] def get_movement_predictor(self) -> 'pg.MovementPredictor': return self._movement_predictor
[docs] def get_scene_manager(self) -> 'pg.SceneManager': return self._scene_manager
[docs] def get_sensor_manager(self) -> 'pg.SensorManager': return self._sensor_manager
[docs] def get_mesh_manager(self) -> 'pg.MeshManager': return self._mesh_manager
[docs] def get_simulation_time(self) -> float: return self.sim_time
[docs] def get_elapsed_base_time_steps(self) -> int: return self._elapsed_base_time_steps
[docs] def get_elapsed_sub_time_steps(self) -> int: return self._elapsed_sub_time_steps
[docs] def get_base_delta_time(self) -> float: return self.base_delta_time
[docs] def get_random_number_generator(self) -> np.random.RandomState: return self._rng
[docs] def get_seed(self) -> Optional[int]: return self.seed
[docs] def get_interpolation_method(self) -> 'pg.Interpolation': return self._interpolation_method
[docs] def get_integration_method(self) -> 'pg.Integration': return self._movement_predictor.get_integration_method()