Source code for pogona.sensor_empirical

# Pogona
# Copyright (C) 2020 Data Communications and Networking (TKN), TU Berlin
# This file is part of Pogona.
# Pogona is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Pogona is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Pogona.  If not, see <>.

import os
import csv
import enum
import logging
import scipy.stats

import pogona as pg
import as prop

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class KnownSensors(enum.Enum): NONE = 1 MS2G_BARTINGTON = 2 ERLANGEN_20200310 = 3
[docs]class SensorEmpirical(pg.Sensor): """ Sensor based on empirical measurements of susceptibility variations within a susceptometer. For this, we shall assume that molecules pass through the sensor in positive (object-local!) z direction and that the sensor (i.e., the boundary) is 25 mm long! So remember to rotate this sensor via the transformation accordingly if your particles aren't moving from -z to +z. """ DEFAULT_FCT_PARAMS = { KnownSensors.MS2G_BARTINGTON: [ # scale sensor to 25 mm 1.1710899115768234, 0.012806480117364473, 0.0017908368596852163 ], KnownSensors.ERLANGEN_20200310: [ # scale sensor to 35 mm 1.1521874852663174, 0.017531424609419782, 0.003804701283874202 ], } """ Default distribution parameters for known sensors. Values determined using curve fitting for the logistic function. """ log_folder = prop.StrProperty("sensor_data", required=False) """The file `sensor[<component name>].csv` will be created in here.""" use_known_sensor = prop.EnumProperty( str(, name='use_known_sensor', required=False, enum_class=KnownSensors, ) """ Use distribution parameters obtained for known sensors in previous experiments. Default: MS2G_BARTINGTON """ distribution_params = prop.FloatArrayProperty( default=DEFAULT_FCT_PARAMS[KnownSensors.MS2G_BARTINGTON], required=False, ) """ Distribution parameters obtained from curve fitting, for now applied to a logistic function by default. Alternatively, use `use_known_sensor`. """
[docs] def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._relative_susceptibility: float = 0 """ Sum of all particle susceptibilities currently within the sensor. Susceptibility is relative to the maximum susceptibility measured in the variability experiment mentioned above. """ self._csv_file = None self._csv_writer = None
[docs] def initialize( self, simulation_kernel: 'pg.SimulationKernel', init_stage: 'pg.InitStages' ): super().initialize(simulation_kernel, init_stage) if init_stage == pg.InitStages.CREATE_FOLDERS: os.makedirs( os.path.join( simulation_kernel.results_dir, self.log_folder), exist_ok=True ) elif init_stage == pg.InitStages.CREATE_FILES: name = ( if self.component_name == "Generic component" else self.component_name ) self._csv_file = open( os.path.join( simulation_kernel.results_dir, self.log_folder, f'sensor[{name}].csv' ), mode='w' ) fieldnames = ['sim_time', 'rel_susceptibility'] self._csv_writer = csv.writer( self._csv_file, delimiter=',', quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL ) self._csv_writer.writerow(fieldnames) elif init_stage == pg.InitStages.CHECK_ARGUMENTS: if self.use_known_sensor != self.distribution_params = self.DEFAULT_FCT_PARAMS[ KnownSensors[self.use_known_sensor] ]
[docs] def finalize(self, simulation_kernel: 'pg.SimulationKernel'): self._csv_file.close()
[docs] def process_molecule_moving_after( self, simulation_kernel: 'pg.SimulationKernel', molecule: 'pg.Molecule' ): pos_local = self._transformation.apply_inverse_to_point( molecule.position) if not self.is_inside_sensor_zone(position_global=molecule.position): return # Local coordinates are in the interval [0, 1] and should be scaled. self._relative_susceptibility += scipy.stats.genlogistic.pdf( ( (pos_local[2] + 0.5) # Geometry is centered around origin * self._transformation.scaling[2] ), *self.distribution_params )
[docs] def process_new_time_step( self, simulation_kernel: 'pg.SimulationKernel', notification_stage: 'pg.NotificationStages', ): if notification_stage != pg.NotificationStages.LOGGING: return f"\"{self.component_name}\": " f"{self._relative_susceptibility:.3e} susceptibility" ) self._csv_writer.writerow([ simulation_kernel.get_simulation_time(), self._relative_susceptibility ]) self._relative_susceptibility = 0