Source code for pogona.objects.object_ypiece

# Pogona
# Copyright (C) 2020 Data Communications and Networking (TKN), TU Berlin
# This file is part of Pogona.
# Pogona is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Pogona is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Pogona.  If not, see <>.

from typing import Optional

import pogona as pg
import as prop
import logging
import numpy as np

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ObjectYPiece(pg.Object): name = prop.StrProperty("Y-Piece", required=False) """The name of this object.""" radius = prop.FloatProperty(0.00075, required=True) """Radius of the outlet tube in meters.""" angle = prop.FloatProperty(30.0, required=True) """Angle between outlet and particle inlet in degrees.""" outlet_length = prop.FloatProperty(0.04, required=True) """Length of the outlet tube in meters.""" outlet_zone = prop.FloatProperty(0.005, required=False) """ For teleporting: If a molecule enters this zone at the end of the outlet tube, it will be teleported to a connected object. """ background_inlet_length = prop.FloatProperty(0.01, required=False) """Length of the background flow inlet in meters.""" injection_inlet_length = prop.FloatProperty(0.04, required=False) """Length of the particle injection inlet tube in meters.""" flow_rate_injection = prop.FloatProperty(0.0, required=True) """Flow rate in the injection tube in ml/min.""" flow_rate_background = prop.FloatProperty(5.0, required=True) """Background flow rate in ml/min.""" variant = prop.StrProperty('', required=False) """ Additional variant information. If given, look for an OpenFOAM case with '_<variant>' appended to its path name. """ fallback_background_rate_mlpmin = prop.FloatProperty(5.0, required=False) """ Fallback background flow rate for making sensor subscriptions possible in the case that this Object starts with an overall flow rate of 0 (i.e., `is_active == False`). """ fallback_injection_rate_mlpmin = prop.FloatProperty(0.0, required=False) """ Fallback injection flow rate for making sensor subscriptions possible in the case that this Object starts with an overall flow rate of 0 (i.e., `is_active == False`). """
[docs] def __init__(self): super().__init__() # Do this for documentation purposes, it's not code relevant self.inlets.append("background") self.inlets.append("injection") self.outlets.append("outlet") self._walls_patch_names.update({'yConnectorPatch'})
[docs] def initialize( self, simulation_kernel: 'pg.SimulationKernel', init_stage: 'pg.InitStages' ): super().initialize(simulation_kernel, init_stage) if init_stage == pg.InitStages.CHECK_ARGUMENTS: if (max(self._transformation.scaling) > 1.001 or min(self._transformation.scaling) < 0.999): LOG.warning( "You are trying to scale a y-piece mesh by a factor of " f"{self._transformation.scaling}. Keep in mind that " "this mesh already has an inherent scale from the " "OpenFOAM simulation." ) self._is_active = not np.isclose( self.flow_rate_injection + self.flow_rate_background, 0, atol=1e-20 ) elif init_stage == pg.InitStages.SET_UP_FLOW_SYSTEM: # self.process_changed_inlet_flow_rate( # simulation_kernel=simulation_kernel, # inlet_name="background", # flow_rate=self.flow_rate_background, # ) # Calling this once for just one of the inlets should suffice, # since we only want to load the appropriate mesh, and # the variables for all flow rates should already be set: self.process_changed_inlet_flow_rate( simulation_kernel=simulation_kernel, inlet_name="injection", flow_rate=self.flow_rate_injection, )
@property def _openfoam_cases_subpath(self): return "y_connector"
[docs] def process_changed_inlet_flow_rate( self, simulation_kernel: 'pg.SimulationKernel', inlet_name: str, flow_rate: float ): if inlet_name == "background": self.flow_rate_background = flow_rate elif inlet_name == "injection": self.flow_rate_injection = flow_rate self._is_active = not np.isclose( self.flow_rate_injection + self.flow_rate_background, 0, atol=1e-20 ) if self._is_active: self.load_current_vector_field(simulation_kernel) # TODO: never tested an inactive ObjectYPiece, # *should* work as in ObjectTube, though simulation_kernel.get_scene_manager().process_changed_outlet_flow_rate( simulation_kernel, self, "outlet", self.flow_rate_injection + self.flow_rate_background )
[docs] def get_outlet_area(self, outlet_name: str) -> ( 'pg.Geometry', 'pg.Transformation' ): if outlet_name != "outlet": raise ValueError( f"Outlet \"{outlet_name}\" not found! " "This y-piece only has one outlet named 'outlet'." ) geometry = pg.Geometry(pg.Shapes.CYLINDER) local_transformation = pg.Transformation( translation=np.array([ 0, 0, self.outlet_length - self.outlet_zone / 2 ]), scaling=np.array([ self.radius * 2, self.radius * 2, self.outlet_zone ]) ) return ( geometry, self._transformation.apply_to_transformation(local_transformation) )
[docs] def get_ypiece_mesh_index( self, injection_rate_mlpmin: float, background_rate_mlpmin: float, ) -> str: return ( f'y-piece_r{self.radius * 1e3:.2f}mm_' f'bg{round(background_rate_mlpmin, 1):g}mlpmin_' f'in{round(injection_rate_mlpmin, 1):g}mlpmin_' f'o{self.outlet_length * 100:.0f}cm_' f'bg{self.background_inlet_length * 100:.0f}cm_' f'p{self.injection_inlet_length * 100:.0f}cm' + (f'_{self.variant}' if self.variant != '' else '') )
[docs] def get_mesh_index(self): return self.get_ypiece_mesh_index( injection_rate_mlpmin=self.flow_rate_injection, background_rate_mlpmin=self.flow_rate_background, )
[docs] def get_fallback_mesh_index(self) -> Optional[str]: return self.get_ypiece_mesh_index( injection_rate_mlpmin=self.fallback_injection_rate_mlpmin, background_rate_mlpmin=self.fallback_background_rate_mlpmin, )