Source code for pogona.movement_predictor

# Pogona
# Copyright (C) 2020 Data Communications and Networking (TKN), TU Berlin
# This file is part of Pogona.
# Pogona is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Pogona is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Pogona.  If not, see <>.

import numpy as np
from typing import Tuple, Callable, Any, Optional
import logging
import abc

import pogona as pg
import as prop

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class EmbeddedRungeKuttaMethod(abc.ABC): """ Butcher tableau for a specific Runge-Kutta method as defined here:–Kutta_methods """ A: np.ndarray """A square matrix.""" B: np.ndarray """ 'Horizontal header', starting from the left, 2 rows where the first row should give the higher-order accuracy solution. """ C: np.ndarray # "vertical header", starting at the top """A 1D matrix, 'vertical header'"""
[docs] def compute( self, func: Callable[[float, Any], Any], t_old: float, y_old: Any, dt: float, ) -> Tuple[Any, Any, Any]: """ :param func: A function mapping a time t and value y to a time derivative of y (dy/dt). :param t_old: Time of the previous time step. :param y_old: Value at t_old. :param dt: delta time. :return: The predicted new value with highest-order accuracy, the predicted new value with lower-order accuracy, and the difference (error) between the two. """ s = 0 s_low = 0 k = [] for i in range(len(self.C)): # sum from j=1 to i-1 over a_ij * k_j: # (reshape and transpose to make element-wise multiplication # with k possible, which could be a list of Vector3) sum_ak = (self.A[i][:i].reshape(1, i).T * k).sum() # k_i = f(t_n + c_i * h_i, y_n + dt * sum_ak): k.append(func( t_old + self.C[i] * dt, y_old + dt * sum_ak )) s += self.B[0][i] * k[-1] s_low += self.B[1][i] * k[-1] y_next = y_old + dt * s y_next_low = y_old + dt * s_low error = y_next - y_next_low return y_next, y_next_low, error
@property @abc.abstractmethod def order(self): """ The order of the higher-order method used for the actual integration. """ return 0
[docs]class RKFehlberg45(EmbeddedRungeKuttaMethod): """DOI: 10.1007/BF02241732""" A = np.array([ [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1/4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [3/32, 9/32, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1932/2197, -7200/2197, 7296/2197, 0, 0, 0], [439/216, -8, 3680/513, -845/4104, 0, 0], [-8/27, 2, -3544/2565, 1859/4104, -11/40, 0], ]) B = np.array([ [16/135, 0, 6656/12825, 28561/56430, -9/50, 2/55], [25/216, 0, 1408/2565, 2197/4104, -1/5, 0] ]) C = np.array([0, 1/4, 3/8, 12/13, 1, 1/2]) @property def order(self): return 5
[docs]class MovementPredictor(pg.Component): component_name = prop.StrProperty('movement_predictor', required=False) integration_method = prop.EnumProperty( default=str(, name='integration_method', required=True, enum_class=pg.Integration, )
[docs] def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._integration_method = pg.Integration[self.integration_method] self._embedded_integrator: Optional[EmbeddedRungeKuttaMethod] = None
[docs] def initialize( self, simulation_kernel: 'pg.SimulationKernel', init_stage: 'pg.InitStages' ): super().initialize( simulation_kernel=simulation_kernel, init_stage=init_stage, ) if init_stage == pg.InitStages.CHECK_ARGUMENTS: self._integration_method = pg.Integration[ self.integration_method] if self._integration_method in { pg.Integration.RUNGE_KUTTA_FEHLBERG, pg.Integration.RUNGE_KUTTA_FEHLBERG_4, pg.Integration.RUNGE_KUTTA_FEHLBERG_45, }: self._embedded_integrator = RKFehlberg45()
[docs] def get_integration_method(self) -> 'pg.Integration': return self._integration_method
@property def embedded_integrator(self) -> Optional[EmbeddedRungeKuttaMethod]: return self._embedded_integrator
[docs] def predict( self, simulation_kernel: 'pg.SimulationKernel', molecule: 'pg.Molecule', sim_time: float, delta_time: float, update_molecule: bool = True, ) -> Tuple['pg.Molecule', np.ndarray, float]: object_id = molecule.object_id position_global = molecule.position new_pos_global = molecule.position scene_manager = simulation_kernel.get_scene_manager() # Estimation error; will stay 0 for incompatible integration types: error = 0 # FIXME: Molecule might has no attached object if object_id is not None: if self._integration_method in { pg.Integration.EULER, pg.Integration.RUNGE_KUTTA_4}: flow = scene_manager.get_flow_by_position( simulation_kernel, position_global, object_id, sim_time ) k1 = delta_time * flow if self._integration_method == pg.Integration.EULER: new_pos_global = position_global + k1 elif self._integration_method == pg.Integration.RUNGE_KUTTA_4: # TODO(jdrees): Take the time difference between k1 # and k2-k4 into account. k2 = delta_time * scene_manager.get_flow_by_position( simulation_kernel, position_global + (k1 / 2), object_id, sim_time ) k3 = delta_time * scene_manager.get_flow_by_position( simulation_kernel, position_global + (k2 / 2), object_id, sim_time ) k4 = delta_time * scene_manager.get_flow_by_position( simulation_kernel, position_global + k3, object_id, sim_time ) new_pos_global = ( position_global + (1 / 6 * k1) + (1 / 3 * k2) + (1 / 3 * k3) + (1 / 6 * k4) ) else: raise AssertionError( "This should really never ever happen." ) elif self._integration_method in { pg.Integration.RUNGE_KUTTA_FEHLBERG, pg.Integration.RUNGE_KUTTA_FEHLBERG_4, pg.Integration.RUNGE_KUTTA_FEHLBERG_45, }: ( new_pos_global, new_pos_low_global, pos_err ) = self._embedded_integrator.compute( func=lambda t, y: scene_manager.get_flow_by_position( simulation_kernel=simulation_kernel, position_global=y, object_id=object_id, sim_time=t, ), t_old=sim_time, y_old=position_global, dt=delta_time ) error = np.linalg.norm(pos_err) if self._integration_method \ == pg.Integration.RUNGE_KUTTA_FEHLBERG_4: new_pos_global = new_pos_low_global else: raise NotImplementedError( "Integration type is not implemented yet" ) # FIXME: Primitive implementation of displacement by velocity # after(!) displacement due to vector field new_pos_global += molecule.velocity * delta_time if update_molecule: molecule.update( scene_manager=scene_manager, new_pos_global=new_pos_global, ) return molecule, new_pos_global, error